No pictures blog entry

I have been working my ass off but have nothing to show for it.

I'm trying desperately to launch the web site by December 1. There was tons of work behind the scenes, picture taking and content writing... I can tell you all are just waiting with bated breath for the site to launch in full aren't you. It's so exciting, I don't know how you can stand it.

OK, maybe not. But it *is* coming along, and is now largely out of my hands, while I wait for my friend to do a lot of the work for me and I think about what I'm going to knit her to thank her for all her help. (Wrap/shawl, I'm thinking, because she's admired mine...)

The Happy socks are happy again. They were unhappy last week as when I got to the lace pattern on the second sock, it was not matching it's mate, which is just not cool. But now it matches and we're all blissful again.

I re-knit the wonky longies. They still don't match. I'm trying to believe that it's because the yarn was all ramen noodley when I knit it and when I block it they will appear even. Either that, or those pants are going in the Discount bin at the store because I am NOT doing them again.

Branching out is a little more than half way done. My mom's birthday is in 5 days so I'm going to have to work on that hard. Now that I have the lace pattern memorized it goes pretty fast.

I have 6 pants or soakers that are done except for finishing. Today is the first day I've spent at home all week (and today was all about the web site). I'm going to have to take a whole day to finish and embroider to catch up at this point.

Rob's scarf has sat untouched since I got back to the charted portion at the second end. It's just attached to too many balls of yarn for it to be a good portable project any more. I know I can finish it pretty fast if I just sit down and watch the rest of Damages (I've got 4 episodes left, I think)

(Do I have too many WIPs? I'm not even updating you on all of them. I might be out of control...)

Our LYS Mass Ave (which isn't *that* local to me) is opening a sister store in Broad Ripple (which is VERY local to me) YAY! They're having an open house next Thursday so our Knit Night group is going to meet there and then go to Broad Ripple Brew Pub afterward to scare the muggles. Should be a good time.